Parking lot maintenance is an important practice for strengthening the integrity of asphalt parking lots and improving the appearance. With the Pandemic changing how consumers shop, many retailers and business owners have utilized the down time to revitalize their parking lots. Know that even though preventative maintenance is imperative, mistakes can be made. Here are the four mistakes with parking lot maintenance:
Choosing an asphalt paving and parking lot maintenance contractor solely based on price.
When deciding on asphalt budget and repairs, it is key to be upfront with what you are willing to spend in your repair priorities. This allows contractors to provide estimates that suit your needs. This also aids in comparing apple to apple estimates.Click here to read how to find an asphalt paving contractor.
Sealcoating too frequently is more harmful than helpful.
While sealcoating revives the look and protects the asphalt pavement from UV Rays, rain, chemicals, and debris, if done too often it will cause build up that destroys the integrity of the asphalt. Sealcoating should only be done every 2 -3 years. When evaluating your parking lot, look to see if stripes are fading, there are existing cracks or potholes and if the water is draining properly. Knowing what to look for when auditing your parking lot will help contractors understand what your needs are.
NEVER attempt to repair the parking lot yourself.
Filling potholes and cracks yourself can cause more damage to the life of the asphalt surface, especially if done improperly. If your parking lot has noticeable damage, place a cone or steel plate over the damage and consult an asphalt paving and parking lot maintenance contractor. Asphalt contractors have the right materials and tools to help fix the problem. If deterioration goes untreated, you increase your potential for liabilities. Save yourself time and money, call the professionals.
Avoiding it will not make it disappear.
Handling immediate repairs and being on a preventative maintenance plan will extend the life of your asphalt parking lot. Avoiding a plan of action can cause potential liabilities, i.e. motor vehicle or pedestrian accidents from potholes. The ‘out of sight, out of mind’ rule does not apply to asphalt parking lots. Not filling cracks allows water to penetrate beneath the surface causing vegetation or large potholes to form.
Mistakes will happen but we’ve put this guide together to help you make the best decisions for your parking lot maintenance routine.
American Asphalt Company is a one-stop-shop asphalt provider. We manufacture our asphalt and perform paving and parking lot maintenance services. With three asphalt plants, corporate headquarters in South Jersey, and a parking lot maintenance facility in North Jersey, American Asphalt Company can service your needs no matter the location. Contact us today at 856-456-2899, for your complimentary parking lot assessment today!